

Deep within Sherwood forest, harmony was interrupted by an artisan pickler. “PICKLES!!!” he yelled a the top of his lungs drawing in a crowd of hungry and intrigued patrons. The pickle man had a little green cart with these juicy delicious pickles. A salt and vinegar man of the earth. Your pickle options were limited to one for three, or two for five. Although limited, people would line up to get their hands on these pickles. To fully understand what all the commotion was about we joined in and got to ask the pickle man a few questions. How did you become a pickle man? we asked. The pickle man came from a long line of picklers, a craft he truly enjoys and one day when he has pickled on the years he will train an apprentice. Have you ever heard of a pickler named Pickle Rick? Although, pickle Rick is a popular pickler he has never met him. The crowd of drooling patrons started to emerge behind us. Lastly, how would your cart business cope if there was a man selling relish? The pickle man is a purist, he will stay true to his craft and the pickles will sell themselves.

The Pickle Man

After my delicious pickle had vanished and all that remained were juice marks on my shirt. We asked where can we meet this pickle man in 2022? The secret itinerary of the pickle man in no particular order.

July, Fergus Medieval festival
September, Waterloo Royal medieval festival
September, Oxford Medieval festival
August, Guelph Pirate festival

If you are in southern Ontario this summer, keep an eye out for the pickle man’s pickle. You won’t regret it.

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Al the Vampire

The only living Vampire and chief editor of a online entertainment news website.
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