
Hero Camp!

Hero Camp! is a documentary that follows the exploits of a group of young people during a summer LARP (live action role-play) camp in the fictional realm of “Sidleterra.” As they go on this life-altering trip, the film follows the campers and their counselors. Hero Camp! is a study of the collaborative effort it takes to keep a tale and a community alive against the background of reality, including the epidemic and consequent financial troubles.

We’re raising money via Kickstarter to pay for post-production personnel such as an editor, composer, sound designer, and others, so that we can complete the project. If you’d like to help us make this film a reality, please contact us!

The tales of Sidleterra are shaped in large part by the experiences of the campers, who may be seen as heroes. However, when the students delve further into their roles, they encounter issues that extend beyond the realm of LARPing. For example, Will, a first-year camper who is homesick, has a hard time making new acquaintances. Annika, a seasoned camper, takes on a new challenge as the group’s new leader. Since she went through the same thing as a child, Ryan is able to help campers with topics like gender identification. Because Sidleterra caters to “we weirdos,” the youngsters claim, it is a better place than the actual world. However, this is a safe environment where you may go out and explore.

Despite its tight-knit nature, this society is not without its share of disagreements. The company’s employees must maintain the dream, which is no easy feat in the face of the epidemic. As empowering as the “hero” story is for campers, balancing their individual and communal needs may be a challenge. These divergent concerns point to a deeper issue: A camp full of heroes, what does it mean to stand out?

What’s the point of having a place like this for learning, and how can we use it in our everyday lives?
With tough obstacles, Wizards & Warriors® isn’t afraid to take on the world. There aren’t many places where you can study in such a unique manner as this. It is more crucial than ever to develop safe places for children to interact and explore as an assault of concerns threatens their safety at school, from COVID to anti-LGBT curriculum policies. As long as they can, these heroes will do everything it takes to keep this camp safe. ​​

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Al the Vampire

The only living Vampire and chief editor of a online entertainment news website.
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